On the 24th to 29th of November 2010, the first working meeting within a project 'The Magic of Books' Programme Comenius – School Partnerships was held in Bydgoszcz. The following partner institutions attended the meeting:
1. Primary School No. 63 in Bydgoszcz, Poland
2. CEIP Santiscal Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
3. Ristijärven keskuskoulu Ristijärvi, Finland.
On Wednesday 24th of November 2010 the guests arrived in Bydgoszcz and checked in at two hotels in Bydgoszcz, the Pod Orłem and the Ratuszowy.
On Thursday the 25th of November 2010 at 9.00 in a beautifully decorated mirrored hall in our school, the project started oficially. After the presentation of each group and welcome by the headmaster, artistic performances took place. The first one was performed by a dance group 'Echo' under the direction of dance instructor Eve Pawlowska. They presented a choreographic routine entitled: 'Wesoła szkoła' and a bunch of national dances.
1. Primary School No. 63 in Bydgoszcz, Poland
2. CEIP Santiscal Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
3. Ristijärven keskuskoulu Ristijärvi, Finland.
On Wednesday 24th of November 2010 the guests arrived in Bydgoszcz and checked in at two hotels in Bydgoszcz, the Pod Orłem and the Ratuszowy.
On Thursday the 25th of November 2010 at 9.00 in a beautifully decorated mirrored hall in our school, the project started oficially. After the presentation of each group and welcome by the headmaster, artistic performances took place. The first one was performed by a dance group 'Echo' under the direction of dance instructor Eve Pawlowska. They presented a choreographic routine entitled: 'Wesoła szkoła' and a bunch of national dances.
Then, dancers from a song and dance ensemble 'Płomienie' (Agata Stasik, Agata Kopec, Matthew Mul) presented two Polish dances: the 'oberek' and the 'kouiaviak', as well as costumes of major Polish regions. They also tried to teach the guests the 'kouiaviak' steps.
Our students sang two songs in the Spanish and Finnish languages: 'Veo Veo' and 'Puuhevonen'.
The next item on the schedule was to see the school, interviews with the headmaster (and her deputies), teachers and students. Visitors watched the artworks that were made by students of our school in a competition for their favourite book illustration.
Later there was a show of multimedia presentations brought by the participants in the project, about schools and towns they are located in.
It was followed by exchanging information about similarities and differences in educational systems of the participating countries.
The Polish presentation was prepared by Krystyna Sajdak, based on students' presentations who took part in the contest 'My town, my district, my school.', using images from the photography workshop organized by Marzena Macherzynska.
It was followed by exchanging information about similarities and differences in educational systems of the participating countries.
The Polish presentation was prepared by Krystyna Sajdak, based on students' presentations who took part in the contest 'My town, my district, my school.', using images from the photography workshop organized by Marzena Macherzynska.
We made a choice for a logo-mascot of the project. The winning logo was made by a student from Finland.
A few minutes past twelve we went on a trip to Torun. We watched a show 'Makrokosmos' in the Planetarium. Then we ate lunch in 'Prowansja' restaurant, after that we strolled along the Old Town in Torun.
After returning to the school we discussed the details and schedule for joint operations, methods of evaluation of the project, dissemination of the results to the local communities, ways of communicating. We established new appointments.
On the 26th of November 2010 (Friday) at 9.00 there was a presentation of the book by Andrew Maleszka 'The Magic Tree'. Students from the sixth grade with their teachers of English Marzena Macherzynska and Magdalena Sulkowska prepared a theatrical performance in the English language to a script written by Justine Stasik based on the book 'The Magic Tree'.
The scenery included chairs painted and decorated in the 'de coupage' technique by students of the third and sixth grades as well as teachers involved in the project.
Then, there was an interview with the guests, which allowed students to get answers to intriguing questions about the partner countries. Students also taught the Spanish and Finnish teachers a few words and phrases in Polish.
Then they presented posters created by the third-grade students together with teachers Sylvia Lesniacka and Dominica Giezek to 10 key words – chosen from the book 'The Magic Tree'. Next the individual partners read and compared summaries written on the basis of the 10 keywords.

At the end of the presentation of 'The Magic Tree' guests watched the film of the same title.

After a joint lunch in 'Stary Port' restaurant, we visited Bernardine’s Library in Bydgoszcz. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, the concert of British music in the Pomeranian Philharmonic scheduled for the evening, was cancelled.
On Saturday, the 27th of November 2010 we visited the most important and most beautiful places in Bydgoszcz. We followed the tracks of 'The Magic Tree' film which was shot primarily in Bydgoszcz.
After lunch at 'Medea' restaurant we went to the train station, where we said goodbye to the Finnish, who took a train to Warsaw and then a plane back to Finland. The Spanish group together with part of the Polish group involved in the Comenius project 'The Magic of Books' went by train to Gdansk and checked in at Parnas hotel.
On the 28th of November 2010 (Sunday) the two teams visited the most important and most beautiful places in Gdynia and Gdansk (following the tracks of 'The Magic Tree'). In the evening the Polish teachers returned to Bydgoszcz, and the group from Spain left Gdansk the next morning.